Claim a free gift with every purchase of Panasonic PACi Standard and Elite commercial systems. Valid between the 1st September to 31st December 2014
Single split systems within the commercial range have a kit value of 1, twin and triple systems 2 and quad systems have a kit value of 3.
1 x PACi kit equals compact camera
2 x PACi kits equals Tool KIT 1
3 x PACi kits equals Tool KIT 2 or Superzoom Camera
4 x PACi kits equals Tool KIT 3 or HD Camcorder with WiFi
6 x PACi kits equals Tool KIT 4 or 50” Viera Smart LED TV
See our download section for promotional flyer and full T&C’s.
To make your claim call Logicool on 01283 218277.